nk that…after all these turies…humans would have evolved more…well, more humane ways…to resolve flicts.”(都过了这么多个世纪了……你会觉得,人类应该进化出了……更……嗯,人性化的方式……来解决纷争。)
“Ah, youth.”(呵,还是太年轻。)目光滑向身侧的楼梯,“Give it time. You’ll see.”(时间一久,你就会明白的。)不容分说地揽着她的背往楼梯走,“e. I’ve something to show you.”(来,我有样东西给你瞧。)
柰刚想开口拒绝,男人忽放下了揽着她后背的手,笑道:“That was a great thing you said babsp; there.”(你刚刚说的话特别有趣。)
柰疑惑地抬头,“Beg your pardon?”(抱歉,您说什么?)
“‘Any discipline with “sbsp; in its name isn’t real sce.’”(至于名字里带‘sce’的学科……基本上都不算真正的科学),他重复了一遍她早先的话,一边笑容很温和地望向她,一边踏上台阶,“So, enlighten me, what is real sbsp; then?”(那么,教教我,什么是真正的科学呢?)
“Well, real sbsp; is first of all…falsifiable, replicable…”(唔,真正的科学首先得……可证伪,可重复……)
“So is puter sbsp; and so is actuary.”(但计算机如此,精算也是啊。)
“But they both deal with artificial systems, not natural phenomena or empiribsp; observations. We don’t adhere strictly to the stifibsp; method—hypothesis formation, experimental testing, falsification. Our goal isn’t to uncover fual truths about the natural world. puter sbsp; is closer to applied logibsp; and engineering, while actuarial sbsp; is essentially statistibsp; modeling and risk assessment.”(但它们研究的都是人为构建的系统,而不是自然现象或经验观察。我们并不严格遵循科学方法——假设形成、实验测试、证伪。我们的目标也不是揭示关于自然世界的基本真理。计算机科学更接近应用逻辑和工程,而精算学本质上是统计建模和风险评估。)
二人抵达楼梯顶端,男人打开一扇厚重的红木门,做了个请的手势,“And politibsp; If politibsp; sbsp; isn’t the study of social phenomena, what is it?”(那政治呢?如果政治学不能算是研究社会现象的科学,那它又是什么?)
柰认真想了想,“Politibsp; is…well…the art of power—who holds it, who wants it, and how far they’re willing to go to get it.”(政治是……权术——谁握有它,谁想要它,利益的分配……)
Fairchild低低地笑,是被取悦了的意味,“You know, Nelle, you are a very, very iing person.”(你知道吗,柰儿,你是个非常,非常有趣的人。)